
Ḥāfiẓ, active 14th century
Hafez, 14th cent
Hâfez, di Širâz, 14th cent
Hâfez Shirâzi, 14th cent
Hafis, 14th cent
Ḥāfiẓ, 14th cent
Hâfız Hârezmli, 14th cent
Ḥafīẓ Jaunpūrī, 14th cent
Ḥāfiẓ Shīrāzī, Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad, 14 th cent
Hafizê Şîrazî, 14th cent
Hāphija, 14th cent
Ḣofiz Khorazmiĭ, 14th cent
Ḣofiz Sheroziĭ, 14th cent
Khafiz, 14th cent
Khafiz Khorezmi, 14th cent
Khafiz Khorezmi Abdurakhim, 14th cent
Khafiz Shirazi, 14th cent
Khorazmiĭ, Abdulraḣim, 14th cent
Khorazmiĭ, Raḣim, 14th cent
Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad Shīrāzī, 14th cent
Shams-ud-Din Mohammed, 14th cent
Shamsoddin Mohammad Hafez-e Shirazi, 14th cent
Shamsu-d-Dīn Muḥammad-i-Ḥāfiẓ-i-Shīrāzī, 14th cent
Shamsuddin Muḣammad Ḣofiz Sheroziĭ, 14th cent
Shams ad-Din Mukhammad Khafiz Shirazi, 14th cent
Шамс ад-Дин Мухаммад Хафиз Ширази, 14th cent
Shamsuddin Mukhammad Khafiz, 14th cent
Шамсуддин Мухаммад Хафиз, 14th cent
Lisānu-l-Ghaib, 14th cent
Tarjumānu-l-Asrār, 14th cent
شمس الدین محمد حافظ شیرازي
Hāfiz. Hafez, 1987: CIP galley (Shamsoddin Mohammad Hafez-e Shirazi; c. 1320-1390)
His Dīvān-i Khvājah Ḥāfiẓ Shīrāzī, 1982
EDSRC:Dīvān-i Khvājah Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfiẓ Shīrāzī quddisa sirruhu al-ʿazīz ; bā ihtimām-i Muḥammad Qazvīnīva Qāsim Ghanī (Zuvvār, 1367s)
EDSRC:حافظ نامه : شرح الفاظ، اعلام، مفاهیم کلیدی و ابیات دشوار حافظ / نوشته بهاء الدین خرمشاهی (شرکت انتشارات علمی وفرهنگی : انتشارات سروش,1366 [1987]-1368)
EDSRC:Rubāiẏāt̲-i Hāphija / Najarula Islāma (Śaraccandra Cakrabarttī Eṇḍa Sans,1337 [1930])
EDSRC:دیوان خواجه شمس الدین محمد حافظ شیرازی / با اهتمام محمد قزوینی و قاسم غنی (کتابخانه زوار, [19--] )
EDSRC:The Dīvān / written in the fourteenth century by Khwāja Shamsu-d-Dīn Muḥammad-i-Ḥāfiz̤-i-Shīrāzī otherwise known as Lisānu-l-Ghaib and Tarjumānu-l-Asrār ; translated for the first time out of the Persian into English prose, with critical and explanatory remarks, with an introductory preface, with a note on Ṣūfī,ism, and with a life of the author by H. Wilberforce Clarke([Government of India central printing office], 1891)
EDSRC:Газели в филологическом переводе / Хафиз ; Н. Пригарина, Н. Чалисова, М. Русанов(Российский государственный гуманитарный университет, 2012)
EDSRC:Hafis : eine sammlung persischer gedicht / von Georg Friedrich Daumer ; [herausgegeben und durchgesehen von Jan Tschichold](Birkhäuser, 1945)
EDSRC:Odes from the Divan of Hafiz / freely rendered from literal translations by Richard Le Gallienne(Priv. print [Boston, The Heintzemann press], 1903)



edited by Nathan Haskell Dole & Belle M. Walker
出版情報: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & co, 1901-
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collected from many old Persian manuscripts and rendered into English verse by a member of the Persia society of London; together with an account of Sûfi mysticism
出版情報: London : J.M. Watkins, 1920
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